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Farmers Savings Bank

Welcome to International Bank of Amherst's website.


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  • Online Mortgage Application

    Click here to apply for a mortgage loan today!

  • eStatements

    eStatements are a great way to "go green". Through our Online Banking, we are able to provide electronic statements instead of mailing your paper copies. Sign up through Online Banking, or give us a call. Paper statements may require a fee in the future.

  • Mobile App

    Access your accounts from anywhere at any time on your smart phone. You can check balances, make transfers, and much more! This app is not only convenient, but it is also free!

  • Online Safety & Security

    We think your peace of mind is critical. We try to keep you informed about security issues related to your financial and internet worlds. The OnGuard Online, Your Safety Net web site is a great resource. Click here to access it now.

International Bank of Amherst - Your Independent Bank

We are frequently asked why the International Bank of Amherst has not merged with one of the larger banks. We believe our community would suffer if it didn't have a locally owned and controlled bank.

As an independent community bank, we are owned and operated by people from the community...you can find them in church, in the grocery store, and at the PTO meeting. Our employees are active in our community and volunteer time for local organizations, events, and fundraisers.

Since we were founded in 1893, we've had the same name, we've been at the same location, and we've continued to use the same guiding principles when making business decisions.

Our decisions are based on what we see and know about the local community. Our decisions are made by people who live here - not by nameless members of a board who live hundreds of miles away. Too often, their decisions are based on computer printouts and financial trends of larger cities.

Our interests are your interests - only when the community prospers will we prosper. Nearly all the money deposited in this bank is reinvested back into the community in the form of loans and investments. This generates jobs, which lead to purchases, which lead to local economic expansion.

Only through a community bank do dollars earned at home, spent at home, and banked at home make their way to investments that, in turn, nourish the community that made them possible in the first place.